Final celebration event a success
18th December 2024
18th December 2024
Approximately 50 people attended the event on Saturday December 14th at Penicuik Town Hall. Councillor Debbi McCall , Midlothian’s Provost introduced the event and welcomed everyone and gave a brief outline of the main achievements of the Penicuik Heritage Regeneration Project over the last 6 years from 2018 to 2024 ie:
Initial budget of £3.4m increased to £5.1m
28 historic building grants awarded
2 vacant buildings brought back into use with 4 flats and 2 retail/commercial units
Assisted 3 other building improvement schemes
20 shopfront improvement grants awarded
400 plus community engagement, training and education initiatives delivered.
She thanked the main funders , the National Lottery Heritage Fund , Historic Environment Scotland and the local community groups for all their support.Rod Lugg the Penicuik TH/CARS Project Officer then gave a presentation looking at some of the highlights from the project . This was followed by Fergus Mcnicol part of Macastory the project’s commissioned story tellers who did a performance celebrating some aspects of Penicuik’s unique history and heritage . This was well received. The restored Hearse House was open for attendees to visit.