Final celebration event a success

18th December 2024

Approximately 50 people attended the event on Saturday December 14th at Penicuik Town Hall. Councillor Debbi McCall , Midlothian’s Provost introduced the event and welcomed everyone and gave a brief outline of the main achievements of the Penicuik Heritage Regeneration Project over the last 6 years from 2018 to 2024 ie:

Initial budget of £3.4m increased to £5.1m

28 historic building grants awarded

2 vacant buildings brought back into use with 4 flats and 2 retail/commercial units

Assisted 3 other building improvement schemes

20 shopfront improvement grants awarded

400 plus community engagement, training and education initiatives delivered.

She thanked the main funders , the National Lottery Heritage Fund , Historic Environment Scotland and the local community groups for all their support.Rod Lugg the Penicuik TH/CARS Project Officer then gave a presentation looking at some of the highlights from the project . This was followed by Fergus Mcnicol part of Macastory the project’s commissioned story tellers who did a performance celebrating some aspects of Penicuik’s unique history and heritage . This was well received. The restored Hearse House was open for attendees to visit.

Fergus entertaining the audience

Our Partners

Penicuik First
Penicuik Community Development Trust
Midlothian Council
Heritage Lottery Fund
Heritage Lottery Fund