Launch of the Heritage Trail and restoration of the Hearse House

25th August 2024

The event to celebrate the launch of the Penicuik town centre Heritage Trail and the restoration of the Hearse House went very well on Saturday 24th August.

70 people attended the event at Penicuik Town Hall , comprising representatives of the funders, local partnerships and the general public. They were welcomed by Cllr Debbi McCall, chair of the Penicuik Heritage Regeneration Project (PHRP) and Provost of Midlothian .The PHRP manager Rod Lugg gave a brief presentation summarising the aims and objectives of the project , some achievements and the background to the restoration of the Hearse House and the development of the Heritage Trail.Attendees then went out side to view the Hearse House . Biggarshiels Carriages kindly provided a traditional horse drawn carriage to set the scene , placed in front of the Hearse House during the morning launch event.

Feedback has been very positive . Local partners will meet and decide shortly how the Hearse House and the Heritage Trail will be managed in the future to allow public access . Further updates will follow.

Visitors inside the Hearse House
Launch event in the Town Hall
The Hearse House open with the Hearse carriage in front
The Hearse carriage

Our Partners

Penicuik First
Penicuik Community Development Trust
Midlothian Council
Heritage Lottery Fund
Heritage Lottery Fund