Penicuik High Street work now complete.

24th April 2019

The works to the High Street are now complete . This involved narrowing the carriageway and resurfacing and widening the footpaths in yorkstone with granite sett layby areas for vehicles.The aim being to make the High Street safer and more comfortable and attractive for pedestrians .

The work took a little longer than anticipated due to unforeseen issues, ie the discovery of a Victorian culvert in the footpath on the south side of the High Street and the generally poor condition of the road subbase which contained some hazardous material .

Many thanks to the patience and endurance of the traders and shoppers in the High Street during the road closures. The contractor was able to arrange access to the shops and residential dwellings during the work but there was inevitably some degree of inconvenience .

High Street before .

High Street after

Our Partners

Penicuik First
Penicuik Community Development Trust
Midlothian Council
Heritage Lottery Fund
Heritage Lottery Fund