Penicuik Heritage Regeneration Project enters next phase
7th August 2020
7th August 2020
The second year of the Penicuik Heritage Regeneration Project,a 5-year programme to improve the historic core of the town centre, has now been completed.
As well as raising awareness of the importance of Penicuik’s Town Centre in terms of its history and heritage, the project has seen 3 historic building grants awarded for repair and restoration work. The High Street has also been improved with widened pavements and resurfacing in yorkstone and granite setts.
The take-up of historic building repair and restoration grants and grants for shop front improvements has however, been slow. This is due to the depressed state of retail in the town centre and the devastating effect that Covid-19 has had on town centre shopping in general.
Focusing on the lack of grant uptake, a questionnaire will be included with the latest project newsletter asking for comments and suggestions on the next phase. A letter will also be sent to all businesses and building owners in the area asking for their views. The results will be fed into the updated third-year action plan for the project.
For a copy of the Newsletter with the questionnaire to fill in please down here, N
A survey Monkey has also been set up for comment and feedback . please complete on line at
or fill in the questionnaire in the newsletter .