
Apply for Grant

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For advice and application forms, contact the Penicuik TH/ CARS Project Manager at the following address:
Penicuik TH/CARS Project Manager,
Penicuik Town Hall, 33 High Street,
Penicuik EH26 8HS
Mobile No: 01968664041

What are the main elements of the Penicuik TH/CARS?

The aim is to offer grants towards:

  • A repair programme for historic buildings to include priority projects, a small grants scheme and a shop front enhancement scheme
  • The grant eligible properties are marked on the attached plan

The scheme will also include:

  • Community engagement through training opportunities in traditional construction skills and through education programmes relating to the history and heritage of the town.
  • Public realm improvements to the High Street, Bridge Street and The Square.

What grants are available?

The grants will be available for the repair and restoration of: High priority projects 33 High Street (Town Hall), 22 High Street (The Storehouse), 2-4 The Square (2, 3, 4 &4A), 1, 5, 7 & 9 Bridge Street, 3A-E Bridge Street. Pilkington Building (includes 22, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 Bridge Street and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Parkend). Medium Priority Projects 2-4 West Street, 5-7 High Street, 13 High Street (Old Crown Inn), 15-23 High Street, 2-4 High Street, 6-10 High Street, 2426 High Street, 28-30 High Street, 2 John Street, 17-18 The Square, 19-20 The Square, 21 The Square, 23-24 The Square and 25-27 The Square. Reserve projects 6-8 West Street, 10 West Street, 2 Croft Street (forms building with 14 West Street), South Kirk Hall, 32 West Street, 1 West Street, 3-5 West Street, 7 West Street, 9-11 West Street, 29-31 West Street, 10-12 The Square, 15-16 The Square, 28 The Square, 1 High Street, 3 High Street, 9 High Street, 35 High Street, 14-20 High Street (shopfronts only), 34 High Street, 4-6 John Street, 8-10 John Street, 12 John Street, 14/14a High Street, 16-18 John Street, 20-22 John Street, 24-26 John Street, 2 Bank Street, 4-6 Bank Street, 4 Bridge Street, 6 Bridge Street and 18-20 Bridge Street.

What work is eligible for grant?

It is intended that the TH/CARS scheme will protect and preserve the historic character and original details by undertaking work to roofs, stonework, gutters and downpipes, chimneys, windows, doors and shopfronts. The grant rate would be a maximum of 75% towards the cost of eligible work. The cost of eligible work can include fees when professional advice is used and VAT where it cannot be reclaimed. It should be noted that all grants are discretionary and subject to the availability of funds. The inclusion of a building within the scheme does not give any automatic right to a grant. All work must be carried out with respect for the character and structure of the building. For guidance, see Historic Environment Scotland’s “Advisory Standards of Repair”, available on their website

What works will not be grant aided?

Grants are not payable toward routine maintenance, internal decoration (unless it is as a result of eligible repair work), conversions, extensions or renewal of services. These may be carried out at the same time but the costs must be kept separate from those of repairs.

Are there any conditions attached?

Grants are at the discretion of funders subject to the following conditions:

  • Planning Permission, Listed Building Consent and Building Warrant must be obtained from Midlothian Council before grant approval can be given. 
  • Owing to the nature of the work it is advisable to seek professional advice, preferably from an architect with experience of historic buildings. Professional fees are eligible for grant aid. 
  • A professional consultant’s report may be required to justify the scope of the works.

Our Partners

Penicuik First
Penicuik Community Development Trust
Midlothian Council
Heritage Lottery Fund
Heritage Lottery Fund