Phase 2 of the public realm work now complete

24th April 2024

Phase 2 of the Penicuik Heritage Regeneration Project public realm work is now complete with the installation of the new cast iron traditional lamp columns.

This work has comprised repaving the area in front of the Town hall with natural yorkstone paving on the footpath areas and granite sett paving in the new car and service layby area.  This matches the work already carried out as part of Phase 1 in the High Street.

The work also provides new ramps, steps and railings to improve accessibility to the main entrances to the Town Hall.  Cast iron bollards are placed strategically to protect the yorkstone paving from traffic overrun.

The area from the Town Hall up to St Mungo’s churchyard has been resurfaced in a red aggregate tarmac to improve parking and accessibility.  This work was made possible with a grant form the Scottish Government’s Place Based Investment Fund of £330,000.00. The final phase of the public realm work will be repaving in front of Nos 2-4 The Square when the building repair and restoration is complete.  This again will be in yorkstone on the footpath areas and granite setts on the vehicular areas.  It is envisaged that this work will commence in late summer this year


Our Partners

Penicuik First
Penicuik Community Development Trust
Midlothian Council
Heritage Lottery Fund
Heritage Lottery Fund